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Follow These 3 Tips To Prepare for Virtual Work Meetings

Your organization might find it difficult to have every employee meet in person. Virtual conferencing technologies make it possible for multiple people to meet at the same time from different locations, mostly their own homes. If this is your first time with these types of meetings, you might need to prepare to make a great first impression. Continue reading to learn some handy virtual meeting tips. 

1. Look Presentable

Even if you are attending this meeting from home, you are expected to look presentable. Think about how you usually dress for work and apply it to the meeting. Wear a dress shirt with a tie for an office job. Even if your work environment is more casual, you should clean up a bit. Visit the nearest hair studio or barber shop Leesburg VA for a quick haircut, wear clean clothes and sit by a solid, stable background. 

2. Test the Tool 

There are several video conferencing tools that your company could choose for virtual meetings. If you are not familiar with the tool you will use, spend at least an hour before the event exploring it. Explore every option on the menu and take the tutorial or read the instructions if they are available. Doing this reduces the possibility of errors and disruptions during the meeting. 

3. Take Paper Notes

Some meetings and presentations may require you to take notes. While there are notetaking apps and programs that eliminate the use of pencils and papers, it might benefit you to use the latter option. Taking notes by hand slows you down, but it also helps you process the information better and lets you write down concise content. This practice also encourages you to pay attention to a singular screen, while virtual notetaking might tempt you to click on distractions. 

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Virtual work meetings have their own set of challenges that you can prevent with preparation. Consider pieces of advice like these to make the best out of these events. 

Jackson Thomas

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