Home ยป How Amber Glasses Can Help Reduce Eye Strain and Headaches While Gaming

How Amber Glasses Can Help Reduce Eye Strain and Headaches While Gaming

If you’re a gamer, you know the screen can be pretty harsh on your eyes. This can cause blurred vision, eye strain, and even headaches. A new study shows that amber glasses can help reduce these issues. 

Blocks Blue Light

Consider wearing amber glasses for those who want to get the most out of gaming while protecting your eyes from glare and strain. These glasses block blue light, associated with eye strain and headaches.

You’ll need to look for a pair that filters at least 99 percent of blue light. We also recommend finding one with a spectrum report showing the wavelengths blocked by each lens.

Fortunately, plenty of amber glasses look stylish and come in several sizes. 

These glasses are a great option for gamers and night shift workers who want to shield their eyes from digital screens before bed. They have an anti-glare coating and come in a variety of colors.

A new study found that wearers of amber-tinted glasses got about 30 minutes more sleep than those who wore clear lenses, which block ultraviolet light only. In addition, the participants reported better quality and soundness of their sleep, as well as a reduction in insomnia severity.

You’ll need to ensure that your amber glasses are comfortable for long-term wear, so you should look for ones that fit well around your face. It’s best to try on a few pairs to ensure that you’re happy with the fit.

Reduces Glare

If you spend long hours looking at screens, your eyes will become tired. That’s why wearing glasses designed to reduce eye strain and headaches while gaming is a good idea.

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Typically, lenses with an anti-reflective coating reduce glare and distractions. This helps you focus on the screen more easily and gives you a better gaming experience.

Another option is to purchase specialized eyeglasses that have a tint. These lenses are usually yellow or amber and can help filter out some blue light, which can help reduce eye strain.

These glasses can be purchased without a prescription, but some frames are also compatible with prescription lenses to make it easier to switch back and forth. You’ll also want a lightweight frame that won’t overpower your face.

In addition to the specialized lenses, you can find some glasses with built-in magnification, which may help you enlarge your gaming screen. The best glasses will provide excellent visual acuity and minimal distortion so that you can play games longer. Amber-tinted glasses can also help promote sleep. 

Blocks UV Light

If you are a gamer, you may spend much time on a computer screen or a gadget. This can lead to eye strain and headaches due to the constant exposure to blue light that comes from technology.

The good news is that amber glasses can help reduce eye strain and headaches while gaming. They can also prevent the harmful effects of UV light and other wavelengths from entering your eyes.

These glasses can filter out most of the blue light screens emit, helping you sleep better. During the day, natural blue light helps your body regulate circadian rhythms and boost melatonin production. However, too much exposure to this wavelength in the evening can disrupt your sleep cycle and lead to health issues like insomnia.

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Amber-tinted glasses can block up to 65-75% of the blue-light spectrum, while clear ones only block up to 10%. Lens tints, which use BLPF (Blue Light Protection Factor) to gauge their filtering effectiveness, work by blocking the 450-nanometer wavelength in the blue-violet part of the spectrum that is most harmful to your eye.

While amber-tinted lenses are generally considered more effective than clear-lens options, you can still find light blue glasses that block 100% of the blue-light spectrum and are designed specifically for gaming. 

Reduces Eye Fatigue

Computer screens and LED light emit blue light, which is linked to eye fatigue, headaches, and macular degeneration. These specialized glasses also reduce screen glare and enhance color contrast to improve your eye’s ability to focus and react quickly. They also block UV rays to protect your eyes from damage.

A new study showed that wearing wrap-around amber lenses two hours before bedtime helped people get 30 minutes more sleep. The amber tints block the blue-wavelength light emitted by electronics that suppress the brain’s melatonin production, a hormone that regulates sleep and wake cycles.

Clear, untinted gaming glasses also block some blue light but don’t have the same protection as yellow or amber-tinted glasses. The darker the color, the more blue light it blocks.

If you’re a gamer who spends long periods in front of a digital screen, yellow or amber-tinted glasses are a good choice. They’re lighter than clear lenses and can make distinguishing between red and green or blue and purple easier, resulting in more accurate color perception.

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Enhances Contrast

A good pair of amber glasses can enhance contrast, which helps you to see better. They also block out harmful blue light emitted from computer screens and TVs.

Amber lenses may help you sleep better because they reduce the amount of blue light affecting your melatonin production. This, in turn, helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Amber lenses can be helpful for people who spend a lot of time in front of the screen because they can improve their vision and prevent eye strain. They also offer protection against UV rays, which can cause damage to your eyes.

However, if you prefer clear lenses, you can choose one with an anti-reflective coating to reduce glare and reflection. This will also make your gaming experience more enjoyable.

Jackson Thomas

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