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3 Types of Healing Massage

Deep-tissue massage, shiatsu, and reflexology shops are popping up everywhere these days. How do you know which type of massage therapy is right for you? Here are three different types of healing massage Pasadena and whom they might benefit:

1. Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a popular, relaxing way to treat minor back pain caused by muscle spasms and overuse. This technique can be used to break up scar tissue, to provide relief to aching muscles, and to help relax your body and mind.

2. Pregnancy Massage

If you’ve ever been pregnant or if you’re currently expecting a little one, you’re aware of the various aches and pains that come with the condition. You’ll want to have your doctor’s clearance before you begin receiving massages during pregnancy – and you’ll most likely have to wait until at least your second trimester before starting – but once you do, you’ll be amazed at how much better a prenatal massage can make you feel.

3. Cupping

This is not a type of massage in and of itself, but it can be added to your regular massage. Cupping is an ancient healing technique of using – you guessed it – small cups to increase blood flow in certain areas. After a cupping session, you might have a unique pattern of marks on your back from the cups, but don’t be alarmed: these spots are temporary and it’s actually a good sign that the treatment is working!

Healthy people should be able to get massages without a doctor’s go-ahead, but if you are pregnant or if you have any type of health condition, it’s best to have medical clearance before you start working with a massage therapist. Talk to your licensed massage therapist about your muscular complaints and he or she will be able to recommend which type of massage will be the best option for you.

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Jackson Thomas

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