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What to Know Before a Fence is Installed

There are many things to consider before installing a fence on your property. From height and materials to city or neighborhood regulations, it’s important to plan so your fence installation project goes smoothly and meets your needs.

Before a crew comes to your property for the fence installation, remove stray debris and other obstructions that may interfere with their work—also, mark where utility lines run underground so the installation company can properly locate them.

Property Survey

Property surveys are essential to have before putting up any fence. They can help you establish legal boundaries and prevent disputes with your neighbors.

A property survey is a document that outlines your property boundaries, rights of way, and other important information about your property. You can find a copy of a property survey at your local government records office.

Property surveys are generally done when buying a home or making improvements on your land. They also identify any easements, such as driveways and utilities. They can also show the location of underground waters and wetlands on your property.

Utility Marking

Before fence installation Lake County IL, your property must be marked to ensure underground utility lines are not damaged. Hitting a buried line can cause severe injury or death, disrupt utility service and cost money to repair.

A utility locating company will come out to your site and mark the locations of underground utilities with colored paint or flags. It helps avoid hitting a buried line, leading to costly damages and state fines.

A professional utility locator will be trained to locate and mark various underground utility lines. They can also use tools and equipment to determine the exact location of a buried line.

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Property Boundaries

A fence can significantly increase privacy, protect your home and boost property value. However, knowing where your property boundaries lie is essential before building a wall.

A professional survey can help you understand your property boundaries and avoid future fence disputes with your neighbor. Two benefits are long-term financial savings and avoiding legal issues with your neighbors or mortgage lenders.

Your county assessor’s office and the internet have copies of your property line base map containing information like altitudes and water bodies. If you can’t find this, you can also request a survey from a land surveyor.

Decorative Elements

Adding decorative elements is an easy way to boost your home’s appeal. Depending on your taste, it can be as simple as hanging a large artwork above a fireplace or as extravagant as constructing a garden wall to showcase the surrounding landscape.

The right decorative element can change the entire look of your house, from the entryway to the kitchen and the bedroom. Some primary features include sculptures, murals and paintings.

Decorative elements can be made from wood, glass, metal and composites. Some are even weather-resistant, so it’s still applicable for the fence.


A fence is a great way to make a property more private and secure. It can also add to a home’s overall value.

However, fences can eventually be costly to repair or replace if not adequately maintained. Fortunately, there are ways to keep your fence looking and functioning like new for many years.

Maintenance is a must for any fence, regardless of material or style.

Whether your fence is made of wood, vinyl, or ornamental iron, it must be cleaned regularly and treated with protective stains and coatings. Keeping it clean will protect the fence from the elements and prevent dirt, mold, and algae from growing on it.

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Jackson Thomas

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