Home ยป How to Evaluate the Security Measures of a Storage Facility

How to Evaluate the Security Measures of a Storage Facility

There are several security measures to consider when looking for a storage facility. These include restricted access through gates, keypads or card swipes, surveillance cameras and individual unit alarms.

Additionally, a storage facility should have policies for fire safety and keep records of all units. These records help in pursuing insurance claims and identifying perpetrators of theft.

Access Control

Storage isn’t just about protecting items from theft; it’s also about safeguarding fragile pieces that require specific temperature conditions, preserving sentimental details that carry significant emotional value, and ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive data. Robust security measures should be a non-negotiable criterion in your facility selection process.

Restricted access is a must at any facility, and high-quality facilities will use a combination of methods to ensure that only authorized individuals are granted entry. Some of these systems will use keypads or cards, while others are more advanced and utilize biometric scanners to recognize unique characteristics, such as fingerprints or face recognition.

secured storage Lodi with staff on-site is another sign that they take security seriously and can respond quickly to any suspicious activity that may arise. Additionally, they’ll be able to provide guidance on securing your belongings and offer customer service to help you feel confident in the safety of your items.

Video Surveillance

Many storage facilities use security cameras to monitor their property and deter thieves. These cameras should cover entrances, exits, hallways, elevators and, ideally, individual units. Continuous monitoring can prevent theft or damage, and archived footage is useful in a security breach.

Video surveillance can only go so far, though. It’s important to have a live human watching the footage, and that person should be able to interact with anyone trying to trespass or damage property.

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Some storage facilities also contract with police departments or security companies to patrol their property regularly. This is a great way to ensure that no one is trying to access the facility illegally and provides customers peace of mind. For those looking for a more advanced solution, motion sensors can trigger an escalation system that alerts staff or customers of unauthorized activity. This could include alarms, lighting or even a video call to a specific unit.

Security Guards

When you’re storing sentimental or valuable items, the security of your belongings is not something to be taken lightly. That’s why evaluating a storage facility’s security measures is important before you choose to store with them.

Look for 24/7 video surveillance covering entry and exit points, hallways, elevators, and individual storage units. This type of continuous monitoring can deter burglars and provide valuable evidence in the event of an incident.

Also, consider whether the facility has fire safety measures, including smoke alarms and fire extinguishers. Be sure to ask about their security protocols, such as whether they conduct regular security audits and how they respond to any issues.

It’s also worth visiting the facility to make a physical inspection. This can help you better understand the level of security at the facility, such as if it has high-quality fences and gates that are well-maintained and properly secured.


Storage facilities offering insurance plans provide their customers with another layer of security. This can help protect the financial investment and sentimental value of items stored in a facility, especially when a theft or damage claim occurs.

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Having an on-site security team or staff during normal business hours can help deter criminal activity. Ideally, this staff should be available for all emergencies. Video surveillance is also important for a storage facility, as it can prove a security breach and help identify the culprits.

While evaluating a storage facility by photos or online descriptions is possible, visiting the property and walking around is always best. This will give you a first-hand sense of the level of security measures that are in place. Check for security cameras, gate access requirements, and other amenities like climate control. Also, make sure you understand the contract and insurance policy before signing!

Jackson Thomas

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