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Breaking Down Bacteria in Ponds and Lakes

Ponds and lakes are teeming with life such as fish, frogs, plants and insects that interact in a delicate ecosystem. Over time, ponds may become full of harmful bacteria and fungi that threaten the lives of their residents. While some bacteria are actually beneficial, it’s more common that a pond without regular treatment turns green and sludgy, necessitating enzyme treatments, which naturally break down these types of bacteria so that the water stays clean and clear.

Pond Enzymes Explained

Unlike man-made chemicals, enzymes designed for ponds and lakes react with organic plant matter to break them into smaller particles without killing them. Bacteria are then able to easily digest it and break it down even further. With a regular enzyme treatment, the water won’t become overrun with organic growth.

Excessive growth typically happens after a big rainstorm or a rapid temperature change, so the introduction of beneficial bacteria soon after such an event restores the pond or lake to a healthier state.

Once a body of water becomes saturated with bad bacteria and organic overgrowth, the water will turn green and cloudy and may emit a bad odor. Eventually, the life inside the pond will die from a lack of oxygen.

Alternatives to Enzymes

One way to prevent a lake or pond from turning green in the first place is to install an aerator or filter. Any type of continuous water movement will infuse oxygen into the pond and keep bad bacteria at bay. Fountains are another commonly-used feature to keep the water moving. An added benefit of a fountain is that mosquitoes won’t lay eggs in the water.

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In summary, several beneficial methods are available for keeping a body of water healthy or bringing it back into a healthy ecosystem that will benefit the wildlife and make it more aesthetic, too.

Jackson Thomas

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