Home » 4 Possible Causes of Infertility in Women

4 Possible Causes of Infertility in Women

Having a baby is a special time for a couple. But, for 10 to 18 percent of couples, getting pregnant may be more challenging than for others.

Infertility is when a woman can’t get pregnant for a year, even while having regular intercourse. In one-third of cases, infertility is due to female health issues. 

A visit to a specialist in women’s health care dallas tx can help determine the factors contributing to infertility and possible solutions.

Here are several reasons why a woman can’t get pregnant. 

1. Ovulation disorders

Every month, your ovaries produce and release an egg, which leads to your menstrual period. If ovulation doesn’t happen every month, it could be harder to get pregnant. One in four infertilities is due to ovulation disorders. 

2. Damage to Fallopian tubes

For pregnancy to happen, the sperm has to make its way through the fallopian tubes to reach and fertilize an egg in the uterus. If the fallopian tube is damaged or blocked, the sperm can’t get to the uterus. Several things cause damage to fallopian tubes, including pelvic inflammatory disease, previous abdominal surgery or pelvic tuberculosis. 

3. Endometriosis

Endometriosis happens when uterine tissue grows in places outside of the uterus. This extra tissue can be removed with surgery, but scar tissue from that surgery can block the fallopian tubes. 

The condition can also prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the wall of the uterus. 

4. Uterine or cervical conditions

Other issues with your uterus or cervix can interfere with the implantation of a fertilized egg or increase the possibility of a miscarriage. An abnormally shaped uterus can make it hard to get pregnant. Pregnancy can also be difficult for women whose cervix is too narrow or doesn’t produce enough mucus for the sperm to travel to the uterus. 

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Jackson Thomas

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